Gábor Alexovič: To Love, Whom Cannot Be Loved
Based on William Shakespeare’s All’s Well That Ends Well
László Márton: Timon of Athens – A Paraphrase
Based on William Shakespeare’s Timon of Athens
Zoltán Egressy: The Island is full of Sounds
Based on William Shakespeare’s The Tempest
Trio Sordini/Lili Fabacsovics: Errors/Syracusa/Ephesus
Based on William Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors
Csaba Csurgó: Love’s Labour’s Lost
Based on William Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour’s Lost
Csaba Kiss: The Death of Falstaff
Based on William Shakespeare’s Henry IV. Pt.1-2.
Eszter Anna Szilágyi: He said, “Time is the wisest of all things that are”
Based on William Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale
Teri Szücs: Crosshairs or Whatever you want
Twelfth Night, or What You Will; freely after Shakespeare
Benedek Totth: Demetrius and Chiron Are Dead
Based on William Shakespeare’s Titus Adronicus
Virág Erdős: Montague & Capulet
Based on William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet